The product

Kids today are enthralled with their smart phones, which does nothing for their physical health or their waistlines. So why not make physical exercise an integral part of playing with their phone app?!

BOGOLOG brings a fun app into the playground for real physical play that’s monitored, coached, and even played interactively through remote social networks.

about bogolog

BOGOLOG consists of a universal smart phone holder that sits securely atop the pole of a tetherball, swing-ball, or desktop tennis game.

  1. Universal smartphone holder
  2. Rotating disk, connected to rope 
  3. Height adjustable pole, 1.5m – 2m
  4. Ball connected to rope (tennis, soccer, or volleyball)
  5. Mobile base

The product

about bogolog

BOGOLOG consists of a universal smart phone holder that sits securely atop the pole of a tetherball, swing-ball.

  1. Universal smartphone holder
  2. Rotating disk, connected to rope 
  3. Height adjustable pole, 1.5m – 2m
  4. Ball connected to rope (tennis, soccer, or volleyball)
  5. Mobile base

The BOGOLOG app (patents pending), downloaded to the smart phone, builds upon the phone’s navigation-based capabilities, including identification, motion, direction, and location sensors. It can be set for one or multiple players. It keeps score and it keeps track of the player’s performance. A vocal coach tells the player if he or she is hitting too high, too low, or too slow. The BOGOLOG app turns this simple playground game into a game that’s interactive and competitive, while making it a useful training tool.

Its ability to communicate with other wearable sports devices allows it to display all the biophysical parameters of play.


Bogolog App


The BOGOLOG app (patents pending), downloaded to the smart phone, builds upon the phone’s navigation-based capabilities, including identification, motion, direction, and location sensors. It can be set for one or multiple players. It keeps score and it keeps track of the player’s performance. A vocal coach tells the player if he or she is hitting too high, too low, or too slow.

The BOGOLOG app turns this simple playground game into a game that’s interactive and competitive, while making it a useful training tool.


  • Easy download and installation
  • Encourages physical activity combined with phone-app fun
  • Improves performance through coaching
  • Enables interactive play, also with remote players
about bogolog


  • Score keeping
  • Motion, direction and location sensors
  • Vocal coaching
  • Connectivity with remote players
  • Communication to other devices